person riding a horse

The Right Position of the Rider

The saddle is one of the most important parts of our riding adventure and is a key element in the position of the rider. Since it is there where we feel more precisely how the horse is: if it has gone wrong at a gallop, if it limps, everything is connected to the seat.

We must always be relaxed in the saddle, with our body centered, since if we are not centered, we will not be able to use the rest of our body correctly, much less our balance.

When we are going to ride, the horse notices that we are relaxed. This is transmitted with our hands, so that if we are tense, we will pull the fillet, the reins, we will not let the horse stretch its neck.
Our arms have to hang naturally, our elbows flexed and our hands, with the thumbs up, will be placed just above our elbows, on each side of the cross.

The legs: with the legs we constantly send signals to the horse. In order not to confuse him, they should be the same as the arms, hanging naturally, with pressure on the saddle, so that the horse notices us, and knows who is in command.

The feet: they go in the stirrups, but it is not necessary to put the whole foot, simply the toe leaving the heel exposed and lowering them, in such a way that the heels are lower than the toes.

Finally, the shoulders: square and relaxed, with our faces held high, looking over the ears forward, never down.

Enjoy the ride!

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